
Trinkets - Recent links of interest

Friday, October 4

It's been a month since I did a show & tell. Here are my most recent nicknacks.

Of Communion with God the Father, Son and Holy Ghost
I always feel happy when I am reminded of how much good literature is freely available these days. If it's over 300 years old, then chances are you can find it online for free. And lets face it - some of the best literature is over 300 years old. This link is to a John Owen masterpiece that I have dipped in and out of (you can do that when it's online and free!)

Were they drowning?
From the blog of I discovered this blog fairly recently, so I am still enjoying dipping back into it's archives for interesting stuff. Bill Mounce is a familiar name to anyone who has thought about studying NT Greek (and I am really good at thinking about studying Greek). His insights into particular words and phrases is incredibly interesting and often thought provoking.

A sobering poem
Poetry isn't often my thing, but this little snippet definitely got me thinking. I have to concede that sometimes prose is inadequate. This blog often posts poems and song lyrics, and I am very grateful that it does so, as I would not normally seek them out. A little bit like my experience of Church service leaders who get me to recite liturgies or do corporate prayers as part of a worship service. I would never naturally gravitate to those forms, but I do usually feel better for it. Perhaps my scales are too small...

Christian Beards Controversy
Now I don't consider myself a pogonologist or anything, but I do know a little of the beard's chequered past. (Who doesn't!?) But whether you are a true beard disciple or not this timeline will open your eyes to the tumultuous rollercoaster of Christian Beard History.

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