


There is nothing particularly new here... I am writing because it helps me think. And also because I have been helped by other people's writing. Like for example this Augustine quote that I have lifted from someone elses blog:

"I try to be one of those who write by making progress and make progress by writing" 

Had it not been for both Augustine and this blogpost, then I would not have seen those words. I hope I might be of some help in a similar way.

The intention is to write primarily about Theology and Church History (it's what I studied at University) in order to clarify my thoughts on these subjects and to present them to the world as something accessible, and helpful. I will probably no doubt distil some of my preaching work into here too.

Oh and in terms of motives... at the moment anyway, I think I just thoroughly agree with this guy.


A Christian and, increasingly so, a Baptist. This has less to do with an increasing acceptance of Baptist principles but more a growing conviction that nailing particular colours to a particular mast is a good thing to do. (I may write about this at some point!)

A Graphic Designer based in East Yorkshire, who grew up in the North East of England but has spent a third of his life in Aberdeen, Scotland.

A bearded man with an interest in craft, gardening and movies. But you will hopefully not hear much about that here!